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think the odds are fifty-fifty that if I end up in the water, my crew will be
able to recover me alive. People have been known to drown at the dock. The best
strategy is to never go over the side; however, clipping on is awkward and I
seldom do it. This is a depressing thought but MOB histories verify this
fact. Go
to this link for more info.
The PFD:
We carry the usual safety equipment plus some. I always wear an inflatable
PFD/harness with a strobe while underway. However, it is hard to convince some
people to do so and I don't press the issue unless we encounter weather. I've
found that it's easier to get people to wear the type III fishing vest because
it is more comfortable. Even if you are wearing a PFD it is very hard to
see a swimmer.
we also wear the very comfortable Mustang Survival bomber jacket MJ6214.
This is a great product, the extra insulation is welcome during Spring and Fall
- it's just to warm to wear any other time.
The water is so cold in the Great Lakes that it only takes about 5-10 minutes
before the COB is unable to assist in the recovery. In addition, many of the
people I sail with have limited sailing skills. It is not uncommon for people to
drown during a recovery operation. What to do?
The Lifesling
A recent Man-over-board study conducted in San Francisco Bay gives valuable
information on equipment and techniques for recovery of crew. This study
gives high marks to the Lifesling for MOB recovery. The Lifesling system has
been tested and recommended by the US Coast Guard, the Naval Academy, and a
number of sailing organizations. More on this subject here.

the Lifesling you deploy off the stern and sail/motor in circles around the MOB
until he reaches the sling. This picture at left shows how I rig the lifesling
on my boat. A quick tug on the flap and it's deployed directly off the stern.
The disadvantage of the lifesling for inexperienced crew is that the recovery
may require one or more jibes before you make contact with the MOB.
Practical Sailor
covered the Lifesling in their November & December 2005 issues and its
use was discussed in recent issues of Sailing, Sail and other magazines.
Go here for more information.
Retrieval Lines
are literally dozens of different methods for getting a line to the MOB. I
prefer something simple. There are many versions of the Throw
Bag. This device is simple, reliable and uncomplicated.
more recent development is the Frisby type device that can reach the swimmer as
much as 100 feet away. Search the internet for Frisbouy,
Res-Q-Disc, or Personal
Getting the MOB aboard -- Deep Beam Reach.
to the vicinity of the MOB quickly is critical. Many sailing schools teach the
figure 8 method or the quick turn. A variation of these two methods is the
"Deep Beam Reach". This MOB recovery technique returns the boat back
upwind of the victim in the most direct method possible. The big advantage of
this method is it does not require a jibe. Click HERE for
more details about this technique.
In most boats, the hardest part of a COB recovery is getting the
COB over the rail. On the H260 the most obvious way to recover the COB is over
the stern. However, this method has risks such as injuring the swimmer or
fouling the prop. The way I've set up the Lifesling allows the crew to quickly
deploy the sling. I don't think the Lifesling hoist is necessary.
During practice, we've successfully used the port winch to haul
the sling back over the stern, but I've never tried to do a rescue with a live
person. I expect that unless the COB is assisting, it takes much longer than you
would think to get the COB aboard.
Bottom line: the odds of getting an unconscious swimmer aboard
any boat alive are not good. Too much can go wrong, and you have to have a lot
of luck. A very sobering prospect.
Here's a good link that covers training for COB recovery with
the Lifesling.
Try reading the narratives of actual COB recoveries -- it will
give make you think.